Friday, March 29, 2013

You Changed My Life

I must not feel this kind of emotions for I have no right because we are not in a relationship. It’s just that, I already missing you for many times until then, we never talked, we never chat, we never exchanged conversations. I missed your presence. I really missed you and I mean it.

I know, I made mistakes for making myself feel at ease every time we’re on a conversation. I felt happiness each time we’re on line and exchanging thoughts and every things goes well until we parted each other and said goodbyes for the two of us. Waiting for another tomorrow, because we knew, you and I will be exchanging thoughts again, and those memories kept rushing on me. Those times that what we used to do keeps me looking and keeps myself asking, why you have changed?

I still remember, last year, during lent, we used to talk and chat each other, but the holy week is almost over, even once, we never did. What happened? I knew it was my fault.

Everything changed. Every one changed. For a while, I stop and reflect. I asked myself… should I continue waiting  for you to find time with me again and make those memories be repeated, or is it time to  forget you and think that what beautiful things happened between the two of us will be just part of our past?

I know the answer, but the hardest thing to do is to accept. How I wish I could easily accept that. Accept the things that will be impossible to happen, impossible to make it happen and impossible to make it through again.

I hope tomorrow, I could accept the fact that nothings remain the same; it’s just change that always happened. May be acceptance is the best thing that I should remember.

I just want to say, this time, “you’ve changed my life,” not just a moment but for a lifetime since the day we met and had a very wonderful experiences with both of us. I know you knew it.

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